** The deadline for all final camera ready papers, across all tracks, is the 30th May 2022. Please do not miss this deadline! **
This page provides instructions to authors with accepted contributions to PDC 2022 to help them prepare the camera ready version of their papers. These instructions apply to all contribution types – Full Papers, Exploratory Papers, Workshops, Situated Actions and PDC Places.
Please note that the ACM template and macro used for the final Camera Ready are complex and require time and patience to work with. Do not leave this for the last moment.
After acceptance you must convert your paper/contribution from “submission template” to the “primary article template” If you do not provide the camera ready file in the correct format your paper/contribution will not be published in the proceedings (nor will it be available in the ACM Digital Library). Here we provide guidelines based on ACM instructions, but with some added detail, based on experience of using the template and process before:
1) Keep an eye on emails from ACM. ACM has an automated rights management collection system for ACM published proceedings. Accepted authors will be sent instructions to fill the ACM eRights management form. It is very important that you clear the rights very soon after you receive the email. You need to clear rights to be able to upload your camera ready paper.
** As rights management emails are sent from an automated system, there is a chance that emails sent will end up in SPAM folders. Please make sure to set email SPAM settings to allow emails from «rightsreview@acm.org».
** We strongly recommend authors to choose the “License” option, which allows authors to retain copyright of their work. Open Access is of course a good option but authors must cover that extra fee themselves.
2) Download the final ACM Primary Article Template – Microsoft Word from the ACM site. See here for full details http://www.acm.org/publications/article-templates/proceedings-template.html/ – we provide quick links to templates below.
You need to attach the macros and styles of the Primary ACM template. Unfortunately the macros do not work in other word processing software than Microsoft Word. ACM provides a Video for how to add the default styles in Word. We strongly recommend you look at it first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=46&v=sUGEoPaXRKQ&feature=emb_title
Please choose the correct master template version based on your platform:
MAC2011 https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/enhanced_word_templates/MAC_2011/mac_2011.zip
MAC2016 https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/enhanced_word_templates/MAC_2016/mac_2016.zip
Windows https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/enhanced_word_templates/Windows/windows.zip
Save the .zip file to your local machine. Open the zip file and save the template file to your machine.
3) Attach the “primary article template” to your existing Word document. This is done in slightly different ways, dependent on your computer’s operating system Follow this link for detailed instructions: .https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information/preparing-your-article-with-microsoft-word
4) Add the right ACM Classification Scheme for indexing your paper (ACM CCS 2012). ACM provides an indexing support tool to help you find the right terms: https://dl.acm.org/ccs. Once you have selected the terms that best describe your contribution, the tool provides you with the CCS text to add in the body of the document (under CSS Concepts). We suggest you can use these ones:
• Human-centered computing
• Interaction design
• Interaction design process and methods
• Participatory design
The indexing tools also provides you the XML code to add to the «properties» of your Word document.
** In Microsoft Word you must insert the XML code into your word document’s properties.
** In Mac OSX: From Word’s main menu, click on “File”, then click on «Properties», go to the «Summary» tab and put the code in the «comments» section. (It took us a while to figure this one out!).
** In Windows: From Word’s main menu, click on “File”, then the “Info” tab on the left side panel, then click Properties and select Show Document Panel > Click within the “Tags” metadata field and paste the XML data. > Paste the data into the “Comments” metadata field as well.
5) Validate your document (see video linked above). Once the validation process with the ACM macro templates is finished, a message will be displayed indicating that the manuscript validation process has been completed successfully or it will indicate if it has errors. You must fix the errors indicated. When the validation is completed successfully, you are ready to submit your camera ready version file set.
Note: The ACM rights text and bibliographic strip are added directly by the TAPS system when uploading your source files (if using the word template, Latex templates work differently).
6) Submit the camera ready. In the new ACM workflow authors upload themselves directly to The ACM Publishing System (TAPS). Authors will receive an email notification from ACM with instructions to upload their Camera Ready (finalized) source file set directly to The ACM Publishing System (TAPS). The email is usually sent some 24-48 hours after submitting the eRights form to ACM. NOTE: When you receive ACM email with the TAPS platform login data, you must create three folders and then compress them into the same .zip: pdf (empty), Source (File word), Supplements (in this folder you can add images).
Download these instructions: https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_taps.pdf for information on how to use TAPS. TAPS will process your paper and auto-generate proofs of your article for your review (The PDF will now have 2 columns!). Video for TAPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=185&v=dSYINtsB0bY&feature=emb_title
7) You are done! Register to the conference.
Note: ACM official instruction pages contain more details and useful guidance for accessibility, check them: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow
LATEX users, please check for templates here: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow) Again, we can not reiterate this enough: It is a bit complex process, so take time and study the process! Thanks for helping us prepare a wonderful conference.
Write to publicationschairs@pdc2022.org we can help with general questions and provide some guidance. If you are experiencing problems with the template, it is best to ask ACM technical support via the email: acmtexsupport@aptaracorp.com