Exploratory Papers

We held two online sessions on the 29th November 2021 to discuss examples of Exploratory Papers and ideas for future papers with newcomers to PDC. The papers discussed, and some general information for those new to the community thinking of submitting a paper, can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pCrdl8HsczBwX5g7hzRmTxEqnh6wFjtV7EAGUKyaTpM/edit

Exploratory Papers should present original, unpublished ideas and research that explores, advances or reflects on PD’s potential future developments. Exploratory Papers benefit from making one, clear contribution. Authors are encouraged to present a focused reflection or a meaningful empirical case study. A focused reflection will be expected to explore or advance existing ideas/concepts or propose new ones at a theoretical level, even coming from nearby disciplines to build an interdisciplinary dialogue. A case study will be expected to present applications of PD that are empirically fascinating even without strong theoretical grounding.

Compared to PDC Full Papers, Exploratory Papers are shorter and more concise (maximum length being 4000 words). They are not expected to provide the depth of a Full Paper; however they should still make a strong contribution to knowledge as an archival publication. We also encourage the submission of Exploratory Papers that will stimulate and provoke discussion at the conference around contemporary and future issues and challenges for the field of participatory design.

PDC Exploratory Papers can be submitted on any topic or issue of relevance to participatory design theory, practice or methods – however, we are especially interested in soliciting submissions that relate to the specific themes of the 2022 conference.

You can submit your Exploratory Paper via the ConfTool submission system.

Important dates

29th November 2021 – Let’s explore paper ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pCrdl8HsczBwX5g7hzRmTxEqnh6wFjtV7EAGUKyaTpM/edit
7th 14th February 2022 – Submission deadline for Exploratory Papers – submit via ConfTool
23rd April 2022 – Notification to authors (Accept or Reject)
30th May 2022 – Camera ready papers deadline for accepted submissions

Note that all deadlines are for the end of the day Anywhere on Earth.

Submissions and Review Process

Exploratory Papers go through a double-blind, single-round, peer review process.

There key deadlines for Exploratory Paper authors are:

1. The 1st deadline is on 7th February 2022, when authors are required to submit their papers through the ConfTool submission system. On or before 23rd April 2022, authors will be notified of the outcome of the reviews: either they will be accepted to the conference or their paper will be rejected.

2. The 2nd deadline is 30th May 2022, when selected authors will submit their camera ready papers. These will then be processed to be published on the ACM Digital Library prior to the start of the conference.

Paper Formatting and Length

Papers should be submitted according to the instructions and template available on the submission page. They should be anonymised for blind peer review.

Exporatory Papers should be written in English and should not be longer than 4000 words (excluding references).

Exploratory papers will be published in Vol 1 of the Proceedings, published by ACM International Conference series on the ACM Digital Library.

Presentation at PDC 2022

Exploratory Papers will be presented and discussed in dedicated sessions at the conference (precise format to be determined). In order for the paper to be published in the proceedings at least one author must register for the conference.

Information given to reviewers

If you are submitting to PDC 2022, it may be helpful to also take a look at our guide for reviewing papers for PDC. This gives an overview of what PDC reviewers are asked to look for and act like when reviewing papers, and can help authors in the preperation of their submission.

Exploratory Papers Chairs

Zoy Anastassakis (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil)

Christopher Frauenberger (University of Salzburg, Austria)

Melisa Duque Hurtado (Monash University, Australia)

Contact: exploratorypaperschairs@pdc2022.org