Situated Actions and Exhibition

Situated actions and exhibition encompasses PD-inspired exhibits, performances, demos, and/or design/art work that can be presented in the online and physical exhibition context and as a live interactive situated action session during the conference.

To get a better idea of the expectations for this format, take a moment to review the situated actions selected for PDC2020 in Colombia and situated actions selected for PDC2018 in Hasselt.

Submissions to this category should plan to actively consider the overlaps with the PDC Places program and the hybrid format for the conference. As such, submissions will benefit from considering the potential synergies and overlaps with the PDC Places programmes around the world. Submissions should indicate how they plan to enable participation in situated action sessions across different locations and time zones allowing for synchronous and / or asynchronous forms of communication and engagement.

Important dates

18th January 2022 (1700-1830 UST) and 25th January 2022 (0800-0930 UST) – Online sessions on “Let’s explore submission ideas” and preparing submissions
28th February 2022
7th March 2022 – Submission deadline (on Conftool)
23rd April 2022 – Notification to authors (Accept or Reject) and feedback
30th May 2022 – Camera ready papers deadline for accepted submissions

Note that all deadlines are for the end of the day Anywhere on Earth.

Submissions and Review Process

Submissions to Situated Actions should be made through the Conftool system, using the PDC simplified template as explained in the Submissions Formatting page.

Submissions will be reviewed by the Chairs for applicability to the PD conference, and (once accepted) undergo a process of curation into the situated action format and for publication. Those submissions that address or explore the conference theme and have synergies with PDC Places will be favoured in the selection process.

Paper Formatting and Length

Proposals should include a description of the project and its relationship to participation and the situated action proposed. In addition plans or images, and specific requirements for realisation in terms of space and materials should also be included. Links to audio or video files describing the project can also be included to clarify aspects of the concept for reviewers and curators.

Submissions should be made according to the appropriate template as instructed on the Submissions Formatting page.

Submissions should be written in English. The text should be no longer than 2000 words. Authors can add a maximum of 2 additional pages with images or plans to help communicate their ideas. References do not count towards the word count.

Proposals selected to present as part of the Situated Actions and Exhibition will be published in Vol 2 of the PDC proceedings in the ACM International Conference series.

For further queries please contact the Workshop Chairs

Cally Gatehouse (Northumbria University, UK)
Donna Leishman (Northumbria University, UK)